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Animal-cell culture media: History, characteristics, and current issues


Background Cell culture technology has spread prolifically within a century, a variety of culture media has been designed. This review goes through the history, characteristics and current issues of animal‐cell culture media. Methods A literature search was performed on PubMed and Google Scholar between 1880 and May 2016 using appropriate keywords. Results At the dawn of cell culture technology, the major components of media were naturally derived products such as serum. The field then gradually shifted to the use of chemical‐based synthetic media because naturally derived ingredients have their disadvantages such as large batch‐to‐batch variation. Today, industrially important cells can be cultured in synthetic media. Nevertheless, the combinations and concentrations of the components in these media remain to be optimized. In addition, serum‐containing media are still in general use in the field of basic research. In the fields of assisted reproductive technologies and regenerative medicine, some of the medium components are naturally derived in nearly all instances. Conclusions Further improvements of culture media are desirable, which will certainly contribute to a reduction in the experimental variation, enhance productivity among biopharmaceuticals, improve treatment outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies, and facilitate implementation and popularization of regenerative medicine.

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Reprod Med Biol. 2017;1–19.   





 

DOI: 10.1002/rmb2.12024


Animal- cell culture media: History, characteristics, and current


Tatsuma Yao1,2 |  Yuta Asayama1

1Research and Development Center, Fuso


2Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and

Technology, Kindai University, Wakayama,



Tatsuma Yao, Research and Development

Center, Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.,




Background: Cell culture technology has spread prolifically within a century, a variety

of culture media has been designed. This review goes through the history, character-

istics and current issues of animal- cell culture media.

Methods: 


Results: 

naturally derived products such as serum. The field then gradually shifted to the use of

chemical- based synthetic media because naturally derived ingredients have their dis-

advantages such as large batch- to- batch variation. Today, industrially important cells

can be cultured in synthetic media. Nevertheless, the combinations and concentra-

tions of the components in these media remain to be optimized. In addition, serum-

containing media are still in general use in the field of basic research. In the fields of

assisted reproductive technologies and regenerative medicine, some of the medium

components are naturally derived in nearly all instances.

Conclusions: Further improvements of culture media are desirable, which will certainly

contribute to a reduction in the experimental variation, enhance productivity among

biopharmaceuticals, improve treatment outcomes of assisted reproductive technolo-

gies, and facilitate implementation and popularization of regenerative medicine.


cell culture technique, cell proliferation, culture media, cultured cells, serum


The influence of cell culture technology on human society has been

immeasurable. Progress in biology in recent years, for example,

has depended heavily on cell culture technology.1 In addition, cell

culture- based practical technologies have been developed in vari-

ous areas, including the assessment of the efficacy and toxicity of

new drugs, manufacture of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals, and

       -

matic cells became technically feasible recently, researchers around

the world are fiercely competing for leadership in the advances

of regenerative medicine. In this area likewise, cell culture tech-

nology is regarded as a foundation for further development and


No one probably would argue against the claim that a culture

          

medium supports cell survival and proliferation, as well as cellular

functions, meaning that the quality of the medium directly affects the

research results, the biopharmaceutical production rate, and treat-

ment outcomes of assisted reproductive technology. It is essential,

therefore, for investigators who are working with cell cultures to se-

lect an appropriate medium that is suitable for their aims. In some


medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.





cases, researchers should modify a medium themselves. In addition,

when facing problems, researchers have to know the properties of

the medium in order to identify the cause of any problem with their


        

groups, based on the type of supplements added; for example,

serum- containing media, serum- free media, protein- free media, and

chemically defined media (Tables 1 and 2). Serum- containing media

naturally contain various serum- derived substances, which make the

medium composition unclear and whose concentrations can fluctu-

ate from batch to batch. This situation makes the culture results less

reproducible and poses a risk of microbial contamination. Serum-

containing media, however, can be designed easily and be used ef-

fectively for a variety of cell types because serum includes a lot of

active substances that are necessary for the survival and growth of

animal cells.2 Serum- free media, in contrast, have a defined composi-

tion, resulting in a high reproducibility of results, and the cultivation

process can be validated. In addition, target cells can be grown selec-

tively in an intermingled cell population if the culture conditions are


of protein- free media (which do not contain any protein at all) and

chemically defined media (which do not contain any undefined in-

gredient) provide additional stability and reproducibility for culture

systems, facilitating the identification of the cellular secretions and

reducing the risk of microbial contamination. However, the serum-

free media are difficult to design: only specific cell types have been

cultivated this way to date.3

    

available commercially. Thus, there are investigators who are using

culture media without understanding their details and background,

particularly regarding the rationale for their development, the

exact ingredients, as well as the cell types that these media are

suitable for. This review article briefly describes the history of the

development of animal- cell culture media, with comments on the

types of media in general use today regarding their characteristics,

roles of the medium components, and pitfalls or problems with

their use.


2.1|  Dawn of cultivation experiments (1882–1907)

In 1882, Sydney Ringer developed Ringer's solution, a balanced salt

solution of a composition that is close to that of bodily fluids, and suc-

cessfully kept frog hearts beating after dissection and removal from

the body.4,5 This is said to be the first instance of in vitro cultivation

of animal tissue. Balanced salt solutions were developed one after

another in the wake of Ringer's report, including Locke's solution,6

Tyrode's solution,7 the Krebs–Ringer bicarbonate solution,8  

solution,9 Earle's solution,10 and Hanks' solution.11 The composition

of these balanced salt solutions is simple and includes only inorganic

salts, sometimes with glucose added as a nutrient. Nonetheless, their

pH, osmotic pressure, and inorganic salt concentrations were cali-

brated to physiological conditions and these solutions can be used

successfully to keep tissues and cells outside the body alive for short

periods, generally up to a few days.

         

attention to cells in culture devices and tried to maintain the cells.

Nonetheless, the cells usually did not survive and rarely showed mitotic

figures.12–14 

an apparent outgrowth of nerve fibers of a frog for several weeks in

lymph fluid that had been freshly drawn from the lymph sacs of an adult

frog.15 This experiment is considered to be the beginning of animal cell


TABLE1Categories of animal- cell culture media

Category Definition Type Example

Natural media Consisting of natural

biological substances, such

as plasma, serum, and

embryo extract

Coagulant or clots Plasma separated from heparinized blood, serum, and


Tissue extracts Extracts of chicken embryos, liver, and spleen and bone

marrow extract

Biological fluids Plasma, serum, lymph, amniotic fluid, and pleural fluid

Synthetic media Composed of a basal medium

and supplements, such as

serum, growth factors, and


Serum- containing media Human, bovine, equine, or other serum is used as a


Serum- free media Crude protein fractions, such as bovine serum albumin or

α- or β- globulin, are used as supplements

Xeno- free media Human- source components, such as human serum albumin,

are used as supplements but animal components are not

allowed as supplements

Protein- free media Undefined components, such as peptide fractions (protein

hydrolysates) are used as supplements

Chemically defined media Undefined components, such as crude protein fractions,

hydrolysates, and tissue extracts, are not appropriate as

supplements, but highly purified components, such as

recombinant proteins are appropriate supplements




TABLE2Types and characteristics of basal media

Category Name (author, year) Features







Developed in order to cultivate chicken embryonic cells under protein- free conditions, it is prepared by the sequential addition of amino acids,

vitamins (including fat- soluble vitamins), and nucleic- acid precursors. Its composition is extremely complex because the components that are

thought to be necessary on theoretical grounds, including inactive components, are added to the medium. Often used for organ culture

 

of reducing substances (cysteine, glutathione, and ascorbic acid), the elimination of fat- soluble vitamins, changes in the types of nucleic- acid

precursors, and the addition of coenzymes

Eagle media 


Supplemented with the minimal components that are necessary for mouse L cells and human HeLa cells to reach the index of proliferative

capacity and including 13 amino acids and eight vitamins, it is unsuitable for cells whose cultures require many components because of its

simple composition





can add non- essential amino acids to reduce the biosynthetic load



Freeman 1959)


ability of the polyoma virus in mouse embryonic cells. Various modifications have been made since, with supplementation, for example, of

the non- essential amino acids, glycine and serine, iron, and pyruvate. The glucose concentration also can be increased to 25 mmol L in

order to accommodate cells with high nutritional requirements. In the event that pH changes are suspected due to metabolites, sodium

bicarbonate is doubled in concentration, equilibrated, and then used at 10% CO2

α 

vitamins (ascorbic acid, biotin, and cyanocobalamin), pyruvate, lipoic acid, and nucleosides




selenite, pyruvate, and HEPES. Transferrin, bovine serum albumin, and soybean lipids are added as serum substitutes. With its high


Tissue Culture

Section of the

National Cancer

Institute (NCTC)


 Developed to culture L cells under protein- free conditions, its amino acid composition is based on the results of a componential analysis of the

compounds that have been ultrafiltered from horse serum and chicken embryonic- tissue extract. Its composition is quite complex, with not


vitamins). Cysteine was included in the original composition, but after it was found to negatively affect cells, a version was developed from

which cysteine was removed (NCTC135)

Ham media Ham's F- 10 (Ham 1963) Enables colony formation by a single Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell under serum- free conditions, developed by adding two kinds of

purified serum proteins (serum albumin and fetuin), instead of serum, and by examining in detail the types and concentrations of amino acids

and trace elements This medium was the first to contain the trace elements, copper and zinc (iron having been included in other media

already). The CHO cells have an inferior proliferative capacity in this medium alone, compared to the one with serum added. Furthermore,

culture of the cell lines other than CHO necessitates the addition of serum

Ham's F- 12 (Ham 1965) The serum albumin and fetuin (used in Ham's F- 10) are replaced by two compounds with definite chemical composition: linoleic acid and

putrescine, which enables colony formation by a single CHO cell under protein- free conditions. Often cited as the world's first chemically

defined medium, the levels of several amino acids are higher than in Ham's F- 10, while those of the vitamins (except choline and inositol) and

potassium phosphate are reduced. Its composition must be modified (eg, by reducing the zinc concentration) for a protein- free culture of


elements contaminating water or raw materials are necessary for a protein- free culture of CHO cells in Ham's F- 12.

Kaighn's modified Ham's F- 12

(Ham's F- 12K) (Kaighn 1974)

The concentrations of the amino acids, pyruvate, biotin, calcium, magnesium, putrescine, and phenol red are increased with respect to those in

Ham's F- 12, among other compositional modifications, in order to support the proliferation and differentiation of primary cultured cells





Category Name (author, year) Features

Roswell Park



 



lymphocytes, and hybridomas


and Development

















serum- free culture of human vascular endothelial cells

 



ments of a variety of cell types, it is most often used as a basal medium for serum- free culture




serum- free medium with added insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine, and selenite

Other media 

(Waymouth 1959)

Developed with as simple a composition as feasible, so that mouse L929 cells could be cultured without the addition of serum and other

proteins, it is composed of a total of 40 components, including glucose, inorganic salts, amino acids, vitamins, purine bases, and hypoxan-

thine. It is characterized by high concentrations of glucose, histidine, lysine, glutamine, choline, and thiamine

Trowell's T- 8 (Trowell 1959) Designed for the long- term culture of adult rat liver epithelial cells. With its comparatively simple composition, it contains no non- essential

amino acid and hardly any vitamins, but is characterized by high glucose and insulin concentrations. It is used for short- term organ culture

Leibovitz's L- 15 (Leibovitz 1963) The buffering capacity is mediated by phosphates and free basic amino acids instead of sodium bicarbonate, so that a culture's pH is

maintained in ambient air without the use of a CO2 incubator. Instead of glucose, pyruvate (and galactose) is added at a high concentration in

order to control pH drops due to the lactic acid that is produced during glucose metabolism and to promote the release of CO2 from the


concentration. Once used for cell and tissue transport and primary cultures, its popularity has declined as researchers began to use HEPES as

a buffering agent and as they realized, moreover, that a certain amount of sodium bicarbonate is necessary for optimal cell proliferation


Sartorelli 1964)

Contains a high concentration of folate because this medium was developed by using folate- dependent L5178Y lymphoma cells

HEPES, 4- (2- hydroxyethyl)- 1- piperazineethanesulfonic acid.





2.2|  Use of natural media (1907- )

          

       

the vascular suture and transplantation of blood vessels and organs.

He contributed greatly to tissue culture technology by devising a pro-

totype of the cell culture flask that is used widely today and by estab-

lishing the aseptic manipulation technique.16

The first success of animal cell culture by Harrison inspired Carrel

        

in 1909. There, Burrows found that lymph is unsuitable for the culti-

vation of cells from warm- blooded animals and used plasma instead.

Thereafter, blood plasma had become a major culture medium for a

variety of animal cells. He successfully cultivated chicken embryonic

cells by using chicken blood plasma, which is readily available,17 and

later successfully cultivated mammalian cells as well.18 In 1912, Carrel

demonstrated that the long- term cultivation of the cells that have been

obtained from the connective tissues of chick fetuses is possible (for

several months) with a periodic exchange of the medium.19 In 1913,

he discovered that adding embryonic extract to blood plasma can dra-

matically increase cellular proliferation and extend the culture period

of fibroblasts from the chick embryo heart.20,21  

the composition of the lymph, plasma, and embryonic extract was un-

known, it became a new scientific inquiry regarding which of their com-

ponents affected the survival and growth of animal tissues and cells.

This situation led to a period when researchers attempted to identify

the growth- promoting substances within these ingredients of natural

origin and to replace them with ingredients of definite composition.

Carrel is widely believed to be the first person in the world to

successfully culture mammalian somatic cells, but the Biographical


     


2.3|  Endeavors toward synthetic media (1911- )

         

the Locke–Lewis solution—which is modified Locke's solution that ad-

ditionally contains amino acids, bouillon, and glucose (or maltose)—is

more effective for chick embryo cell cultivation than simple balanced

salt solutions.23,24 They reported that glucose is especially important:

if the concentration of glucose is not sufficient in the medium, the

chick embryo cells show vacuolar degeneration and die within a few

days.25 In contrast, in their search for the active ingredients in em-

bryonic extract, it was ascertained that the active substance is in the

protein fraction26 and that the partially hydrolyzed proteins effec-

tively promote the cell growth of chick embryo fibroblasts.27 Those

researchers also confirmed the growth- promoting activity of amino

acids28 and glutathione for chick embryo fibroblasts.29 They hypoth-

esized that glutathione is required for the control of the redox envi-

ronment during cell cultivation. Carrel's medium was supplemented

with several natural products, such as casein digests (thymus- derived)

nucleic acids, liver ash, and hemoglobin. Thus, their research did not

lead to the molecular identification of any substance that is essential

  

contrast, confirmed the effectiveness of two hormones (insulin and

thyroxine) by successfully cultivating human fibroblasts for >3 months

in a medium that consisted of Ringer's solution with these hormones,

along with glucose, cysteine, hemin, peptone, and blood plasma.30

Researchers continued the efforts to specify the composition of media

thereafter, including the development of Baker's medium, which con-

1 , vitamin B2, glutathione, and

blood plasma.31 Nevertheless, this approach did not lead to culture

media that did not include natural products, such as blood serum or


2.4|  Birth of established cell lines (1940- )

It is rare for healthy somatic cells that are derived from animals to

acquire unlimited proliferative capacity during cultivation. They typi-

cally stop growing after a certain number of divisions (ie, the Hayflick

limit).32   

that had been sampled from animals in each experiment. In 1940,

Wilton R. Earle et al. used carcinogens to successfully create immortal

mouse fibroblasts (L cells),10 revealing that proliferation from a single

cell is possible.33   

an infinitely proliferating human cell line from a tissue of a patient with

uterine cervical cancer (HeLa cells).34 Due to the emergence of these

established cell lines, the sampling of cells from the tissues of animals

in each experiment became unnecessary, enabling researchers world-

wide to perform assays by using the same homogenous population of

cells. This state of affairs made it easier to examine and to precisely

quantify the subtle differences in the effects of culture media on cells.

Thus, the development of culture media advanced rapidly as a result.

2.5|  Establishment of basal media and research into

protein- free media (1946- )

Baker's medium and the other media that had been developed up to

this point contained naturally derived components of unknown compo-

sition, including plasma, serum, bouillon, peptone, and tissue extracts.

In order to find the crucial components in those natural materials and

to develop defined media that are comparably efficient in the cultiva-

tion of cells, relative to the media containing natural ingredients, two

main strategies were undertaken. The first strategy was to use dialyzed

serum for the support of cells at minimum levels and to add defined

components to maximize the proliferation of cells. The second strategy

was not dependent on serum, or even proteins at all, and involved the

formulation of media exclusively from definitive components.

Fischer was a pioneer of the first strategy. He dialyzed blood plasma

to remove the low- molecular- weight fraction. Culture media that were

supplemented with dialyzed blood plasma could sustain cells only for

a short period, indicating that the low- molecular- weight fraction was

essential for the survival of cells. Then, he discovered that the amino

acids are the key substance in the low- molecular- weight fraction.35,36

This creation of dialyzed media, along with the established cell lines,




made it possible to determine, in a systemic way, whether the cells

require low- molecular- weight substances under culture conditions.

For example, in 1955, Harry Eagle studied the minimum necessary

amounts of low- molecular- weight components that are required by

mouse L cells and HeLa cells by using a balanced salt solution with the

addition of dialyzed serum, on the basis of Fischer's method.37,38 He

found that 13 amino acids and eight vitamins are necessary.39 

on to study the amino acid requirements of a variety of cells, Eagle


posed of the minimal essential components that he identified (glucose,

six inorganic salts, 13 amino acids, eight water- soluble vitamins, and

dialyzed serum).40     41 Clifford

P. Stanners et al.,42  43 made


purpose (Table 2). Later, using dialyzed serum that had been prepared

        -

firmed that carcinosarcoma cells require pyruvate.44  


45 in terms of its calcium and magne-


medium for use in lymphocyte cultivation.46,47

The other strategy—the total omission of serum and proteins—

is thought to have begun in 1946, with full- scale research by Philip R.

White. He developed a chemically defined medium that was composed

of glucose, inorganic salts, amino acids, iron, vitamins, and glutathione,

with no protein at all. Using this medium, he successfully cultivated chick

embryo- derived fibroblasts and cardiac muscle cells for ~2 months.48

Other researchers were unable to repeat his findings and argued that


        

   

vitamins, cholesterol, and nucleic acid precursors, in addition to the ingre-


Parker's team used the strategy of adding as many low- molecular- weight

substances as possible, according to what was considered theoretically

necessary for cell culture.50 Using this medium, they cultured chick

embryo- derived cells for 3- 4 weeks. Serum and embryonic extract were

still necessary for the primary culture. Other researchers also reported

  -

eration.37   

          

    

consisting of 58 components, was developed through several modifi-

cations, such as increasing the levels of reducing substances (cysteine,

glutathione, and ascorbic acid), removing fat- soluble vitamins, chang-

ing the nucleic acid precursors, and adding coenzymes (Table 2).51,52 In

contrast, during the same period, the National Cancer Institute's Tissue

Culture Section (NCTC), led by Wilton R. Earle, developed a chemically

defined medium that was composed of 68 ingredients, named NCTC109

(Table 2).53 These two media were difficult to prepare because of their


752/1 medium (Table 2), which is composed of 40 ingredients (glucose,

inorganic salts, amino acids, vitamins, purine bases, hypoxanthine, and

glutathione). This was the simplest- possible chemically defined medium at

the time.54 -

signed for the best growth of mouse L cells. Therefore, they were not nec-

essarily suitable for the serum- free culture of other cell types. In addition,

cell cloning was not possible in those protein- free media. Waymouth hy-

pothesized that the proteins that are produced by cells are necessary for

proliferation under protein- free conditions: the so- called "auto/paracrine


medium in 1963 (Table 2). With two kinds of serum protein fractions (al-

bumin and fetuin) instead of serum, he successfully made a single Chinese

hamster ovary (CHO) cell form a colony under serum- free conditions.53

The composition of this medium, however, was undefined because it con-

tained serum protein fractions and the proliferative capacity it conferred

fell short of that induced by serum- containing media. There was also a

challenge: serum supplementation remained necessary for the cultivation

of cell types other than CHO cells. In order to solve these issues, Ham

replaced the albumin and fetuin of biological origin with low- molecular-

weight substances—linoleic acid and putrescine55,56—and developed

Ham's F- 12, a completely synthetic medium of definite composition.

During this refinement of the medium, the concentration of each ingre-

dient in Ham's F- 10 was reviewed and modified (Table 2).57 With the re-

duced amount of zinc, this medium supported colony formation by mouse

L cells, but protein- free cultivation of other cells remained difficult.58,59

It became clear in later studies that trace elements contaminating the

water or raw materials they used are necessary for the protein- free culti-

vation of CHO cells in Ham's F- 12 medium, leading to the development

         

(Table 2).60 Toshiko Takaoka and Hajim Katsuta successfully cultured var-

ious kinds of cells long- term in a simple medium that did not contain pro-

teins or lipids;61 however, only a few cell types can adapt to protein- and

lipid- free conditions and the fatty- acid composition of the cells thus cul-

tured differs greatly from the cells cultured in serum- containing media.62

In the field of life sciences, the "reductive approach" and the "syn-

thetic approach" are often used for elucidating a complicated biological

process. The reductive approach is used to analyze and identify the es-

sential parts in the complex biological process. The synthetic approach

is used to reconstruct the biological process by putting the known parts

together. Both approaches were instrumental in the development of

synthetic culture media because these approaches had disadvantages

relative to each other. First, the reductive approach was undertaken

strenuously by Carrel and others because the synthetic approach was

almost impossible without any information about the active substances

for the cultivation of cells; accordingly, the substances that were im-

portant for cell culture in natural media were lined up. In contrast, the

reductive approach could not be entirely successful at elucidating the

complexities of the natural media because of the quantitative and qual-

itative limitations of the analytical method, complicated components of


the candidate substances based on the knowledge of the reductive

approach were tested by means of the synthetic approach by Eagle

and others and the substances that are essential for cell culture were

eventually identified. It seems to be important when and how these

approaches are used for the successful development of culture media.




2.6|  Identification of serum substitutes and the

development of serum- free media tailored to a cell

type (1970- )

Insulin was discovered earlier by Frederick Banting and Charles Best

(1921), but full- scale research into this peptide as a supplement for

culture media began in the 1960s.63,64 Initially, the effectiveness of in-

sulin alone was found to be inferior to that of serum,65,66 but the use of

insulin in combination with low- concentration serum yielded a higher

level of efficacy of baby hamster kidney (BHK)21 cell growth. This

finding led researchers to conclude that insulin acts in a coordinated

       

one after another during this era: nerve growth factor,67 epidermal

growth factor,68,69 insulin- like growth factor,70–73 fibroblast growth

74,75 platelet- derived growth factor,76–78 and transform-

79,80 The addition of these growth factors to

a culture medium increased cellular proliferation. Nevertheless, their

effect on cell proliferation, as with insulin, was found to be almost

always inferior to the effect of serum.81–85

Under these circumstances, in 1976, three key reports were pub-

lished that accelerated the development of serum- free media. Ham's

group discovered that a trace element of selenite is necessary for the

serum- free cultivation of human diploid cells86   

and Iscove showed that, besides selenite, a combination of transferrin

and albumin is a good serum substitute.87  

H. Sato discovered that a combination of several hormones and

growth factors is an effective serum substitute.58 Prompted by their

discoveries, attempts at serum- free culture by using serum substitutes

(eg, several hormones and growth factors, transferrin, and selenite;

Table 3) grew in number and a variety of serum- free media was devel-

oped, with each medium tailored to researchers' cell type of interest.

When developing serum- free culture media, researchers typically


insulin, transferrin, and selenite,88 ITS, a supplement that contains a mix-

ture of these three substances, has become commercially available. In


the serum- free cultivation of hybridomas and developed the supplement,

ITES, which consists of ITS plus ethanolamine.89 Various other supple-

ments were designed for different cell types and cultivation purposes,

with the aim of the addition of various trace elements to protein- free

culture media. These include Synthetic Serum Replacement, in which

various trace elements are stabilized by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,

citric acid, and aurintricarboxylic acid;90 the B- 27 supplement that was

created for use with nerve cells (it contains progesterone, putrescine,


glutathione, in addition to ITS);91,92 and Knockout Serum Replacement

         

amino acids, antioxidants, ITS, and trace elements).93

2.7|  Improvements to basal media (1970- )

In addition to being a source of hormones, growth factors, carrier proteins,

and lipids, serum increases the levels of various low- molecular- weight

          

which serum is excluded were sometimes unable to adequately support

cell growth.94     

 



ter performance occasionally when used for certain types of cells.95,96

The reason seems to be the large number of constituents in Ham's F- 12


mixing the two allows each to complement the weaknesses of the other.

        

 


media, however, do not always show a level of performance that is bet-

ter than that of a single medium. For example, the ferrous sulfate that is

contained in Ham's F- 12 is toxic to nerve cells and nerve cells proliferate

           -

91 Naturally, the composition of a

basal medium that is used for serum- free culture should be optimized for

each cell type. In addition, it seems that the optimization also depends on

the scale of the culture and its method.98

2.8|  Medical and industrial applications of animal-

cell culture technology (1978- )

2.8.1|  Culture media for the production of

recombinant pharmaceuticals

Inspired by the 1982 clinical application of recombinant human insulin

expressed in Escherichia coli, researchers actively proceeded to pro-

duce growth hormones, interferon α, and other substances by using

E. coli or yeast as a host. With E. coli and yeast, however, it was impos-

  

to be used for the production of recombinant proteins, like tissue

plasminogen activator, erythropoietin, interferon β, and monoclonal

antibodies. The host cells that have been used in the manufacture of

biopharmaceutical products include CHO cells, mouse myeloma NS0

cells, BHK cells, human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and human retinal

          

popular in the field of biopharmaceutical manufacturing for the fol-

lowing reasons: (1) technological advances in mass- culture methods

for these two cell lines; (2) sufficient knowledge about the safety of

viruses that these two cell lines contain; and (3) remarkable advances in

high- expression sublines that were derived from these two cell lines.99

In order to enhance the efficiency of the production of biophar-

maceuticals, one must increase the production rate of the target pro-

tein in a culture medium that contains none or a minimal amount of

ingredients of biological origin, like serum, because they significantly

hamper the process of product purification. Research in this direction

has been conducted to efficiently optimize the medium's composition,

for example, by means of approaches that are based on the monitoring

of changes in the concentration of the medium components and by-

products in the culture,100 as well as genomics- and proteomics- based




TABLE3Characteristics and limitations of serum substitutes

Category Name Characteristic Limitations

Serum, tissue


For example, fetal bovine

serum protein,bovine

pituitary extract

Contain various components, including proteins

and lipids of serum or tissue origin and

contribute to improved cellular proliferation

and survival

Composition is undefined and therefore

there is large lot- to- lot variation and a high

risk of contamination; for example, by


Hydrolysates For instance, animal-

derived (animal tissues,

milk), microorganism-

derived (yeast),

plant- derived (soy,

wheat, rice)

Supply cells with vitamins, lipids, inorganic salts,

low- molecular- weight peptides, and amino

acids. Confirmed efficacy for culturing Chinese

hamster ovary, hybridoma, baby hamster

kidney, Vero, and lymph cells. Purification of

antibodies and recombinant proteins is

simplified because the components in question

contain only low- molecular- weight substances,

owing to ultrafiltration. Very low- cost, as

compared with serum

Composition is undefined; thus, there is a


nation, for example, by viruses when the

origin is from animals. The risk is non- zero

even when the origin is plants: for instance,

when in contact with animals or animal-

source products during cultivation or the

manufacturing process. Caution is necessary

because the raw materials could have been

exposed to high concentrations of

pesticides or herbicides

 



induce proliferation, differentiation, migration,


supplementation of the medium with growth



present on the surface of the target cells;

therefore, heparin (or synthetic dextran as a

substitute) is added to the medium in some



contamination; for example, by viruses. The

use of recombinant proteins reduces the

risk of contamination; however, the risk is

non- zero because the proteins could have

been produced by means of animal- derived

enzymes in the manufacturing process and

for other reasons. Released from platelets,

 β acts as a growth inhibitor on many

epithelial cells

Hormones For example, growth

hormone, insulin,



estrogen, androgens,

progesterone, prolactin,

follicle- stimulating

hormone, gastrin-

releasing peptide


proliferation of a variety of cells.

Hydrocortisone improves the cloning efficiency

of the glial cells and fibroblasts and is

necessary for the maintenance of the

epidermal keratinocytes and several other

endothelial cell types. Triiodothyronine is



hydrocortisone and prolactin, various

combinations of estrogen, androgens, and

progesterone are necessary for the mainte-

nance of the mammary epithelium

Insulin is unstable at 37°C (especially in the

presence of a high concentration of

cysteine) and therefore must be added to a

medium at a comparatively high concentra-

tion. In addition, zinc is necessary for insulin

to exert its biological action and researchers

ideally should use a zinc- supplemented

medium. The hydrocortisone that is present

in the fetal bovine serum acts as a growth

inhibitor in high- density cultures (many cells

that are closely packed; eg, glial cells,

pulmonary epithelial cells). Conversely, it

sometimes promotes growth in low- density


Carrier proteins 

lactoferrin, and others


substances, including lipids (eg, fatty acids,

cholesterol), trace elements (eg, copper, nickel),

amino acids (cysteine, tryptophan), and

vitamins (pyridoxal phosphate: ie, the active

form of vitamin B6 

an aqueous solution alone, they are more

effectively supplied to cells after the formation

of complexes with albumin. In addition,

albumin has toxin- neutralizing, antioxidant, and

shear stress- reducing effects. Transferrin is

used as a carrier of iron. Lactoferrin can serve

as a substitute for transferrin

If these agents are serum- derived, there is a

risk of contamination; for example, by


in distribution today is purified from corn by

using the cold ethanol fractionation method:

the products that are prepared this way

contain lower proportions of other proteins.


elements that are bound to albumin vary

from lot to lot. Sometimes, differences

between lots are observed as a result:

researchers should perform batch screening

before using these products. Serum- derived

transferrins include compounds of porcine,


transferrin typically has low activity,

researchers must in some cases work

around this issue; for example, by raising the






Category Name Characteristic Limitations

Lipids and related


Cholesterol, steroids, fatty

acids (eg, palmitate,

stearate, oleate,

linoleate), ethanolamine,

choline, inositol, and


Serve various roles: as membrane components,

in nutrient storage and transport, and in signal


biosynthesize the lipids that are necessary for


adding the lipids to the medium lessens the

biosynthetic load. In addition, some cells lack

the enzymes that are necessary for the

cholesterol- biosynthetic pathway: a source of

sterols must be added to the medium in order

to culture such cells. The use of lipoproteins

and albumin is the physiologically closest and

most effective way to solubilize proteins and

deliver them to the cells

When building a culture medium under

protein- free conditions, researchers must

use ethanol, surfactants (eg, Pluronic F- 68,

Tween 80), or cyclodextrin to solubilize the

lipids. If ethanol is used for solubilization,

one must typically add a quantity of


on cells. Caution is advised when using

surfactants and cyclodextrin: they are toxic

to cells at high concentrations, result in poor

lipid solubility at low concentrations, and


commercially available lipids are animal-

derived and their performance varies

Transition metals For example, Fe, Zn, Cu,


These are transition elements because they

readily undergo electron transfer, so they

function in the active centers of enzymes and

physiologically active substances inside the

cell. Se, Fe, Cu, and Zn, in particular, generally

are used in cell culture. Se has an antioxidant

activity in the form of selenoproteins, such as

glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin


Chelating agents can serve as a substitute for

the Fe carrier, transferring, in cases where it

must be removed from the medium. Caution

is still necessary: depending on the species

and concentration of the chelating agent,

not only could it be ineffective as a carrier,

it might also promote the production of

reactive oxygen species

Vitamins 

E, K), water- soluble

vitamins (eg, B1 , B2, B6,

B12 , C, folate)

Necessary for cell division and growth as

precursors of various cofactors. Vitamins C and

E additionally have antioxidant effects.

Vitamins are present in most of the basal

media, but their types and amounts (especially

of the fat- soluble vitamins) are limited in some

situations; therefore, they are added according

to the needs of the cell type


by air oxidation. Vitamin C, moreover, reacts

with trace elements and oxidatively

decomposes, sometimes generating reactive

1 , B2, B12, C,

and K are readily degraded by light; vitamins

B1 and B5 are easily degraded by heat.

Folate has poor solubility and is partially

removed during filtration sterilization in

some cases. Hydroxocobalamin and vitamin

C interact, promoting mutual degradation

Polyamines Putrescine, spermidine,


Low- molecular- weight, basic, physiologically

active amines that exist ubiquitously in cells

and promote protein or nucleic- acid synthesis.

Intracellular concentrations of polyamines are

regulated and maintained both by biosynthesis

or decomposition inside the cell and by

transport from outside the cell

Cell growth halts if the intracellular

polyamine concentrations drop too low due

to a disrupted balance among polyamine

biosynthesis, decomposition, and transport.


polyamine concentration rises too much

Reductants 2- mercaptoethanol,

α- thioglycerol, reduced


Import of cystine or cysteine into cells is

necessary to maintain the intracellular redox

environment and the addition of reducing

agents to the culture medium of cells that lack

cystine transporters (eg, lymphocytes and

embryonic stem cells) converts cystine into

cysteine, which the cells then are able to


Caution is necessary when adding reducing

agents in the absence of albumin: this

approach can damage cells




Carboxymethyl cellulose,

polyvinyl pyrrolidone,

Pluronic F- 68, Tween

80, and others

Reduce the shear stress generated in stirred

cultures and by pipette manipulation. Pluronic

F- 68 and Tween 80 also are used as solubiliz-

ers of lipophilic substances (eg, lipids,

fat- soluble vitamins)

Surfactants sometimes show cytotoxicity,

depending on their concentration

 For example, fibronectin,


Promote the adhesion of anchorage- dependent

cells to vessels

Pose a risk of viral contamination if

components of biological origin are used







approaches.101 Through such efforts, as well as host cell modifica-

tions,102 the per- cell production yield has increased nearly 10- fold

from 1986 to 2004.103 The composition of the various culture media

that are used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing today has not been

disclosed for commercial reasons, but the composition of a previously

reported serum- free culture medium that is used for CHO cells is de-

tailed in Table 4 for reference.

2.8.2|  Culture media for use with pluripotent

stem cells


in 1998 and human iPS cells by Shinya Yamanaka et al. in 2007, the

demand for these cells has increased rapidly due to their usefulness in

basic and clinical studies for regenerative medicine, as well as in a vari-

ety of possible applications, such as disease modeling, drug discovery,

and cytotoxicity studies. Thus, culturing these cells in a simple, low-

cost, and highly productive way became an important issue. These

cells initially were cultivated on a layer of feeder cells in a serum- or

KSR- supplemented medium,104 but in anticipation of clinical applica-

tions, the efforts shifted to the development of culture conditions

that are feeder- free and xeno- free (Table 5).105–111 

          

     

with insulin, sodium selenite, transferrin, ascorbic acid (stable form),

  β1 (or Nodal), and sodium bicarbonate—this medium al-

lows for the long- term growth of human iPS cells.109 -

cent years, developments have continued in the field of culture media

that contain low- molecular- weight compounds instead of expensive

 β1; Table 5).112

2.8.3|  Culture media for use in assisted

reproductive technology

The development of in vitro fertilization, embryo culture, and embryo

transfer technologies has progressed on the basis of animal experi-

ments, primarily on rabbits and mice.113–116 In 1978, the first clinical

application was successful, as implemented by Patrick C. Steptoe and

117 The medium they preferred to use for human

zygote cultures was Ham's F- 10, supplemented with serum.118 It was

later revealed, however, that hypoxanthine and the trace elements

in Ham's F- 10 negatively affected the embryos via the production of

reactive oxygen species.119–122 The metabolism of a pre- implantation

embryo differs greatly from that of somatic cells; therefore, the em-

bryo can be cultured up to the blastocyst stage by using a simple me-

dium that consists of a balanced salt solution that is supplemented

with glucose, pyruvate, lactate, and albumin.123 The concentration of

glucose that was used usually for somatic cells in those days, which

was as high as 5.5 mmol L, turned out to be unfavorable to zygote

cleavage. Therefore, glucose is often added to the culture medium for

use with zygotes at the low concentration of 0.2- 0.5 mmol L .124 The

detailed composition of the embryo culture media that is used clini-

cally has not been published to date for commercial reasons; however,

125 it resembles either the

        126 or the

 medium that was developed by Biggers et al.127 -

mation on the culture media for assisted reproductive technology is

available elsewhere.124


Each basal medium has been designed in each case on the basis of

the cell type, the origin (animal species), and the purpose of the cul-

turing. In fact, the medium composition can differ greatly depending

on such background factors. Whether supplementation with natu-

ral products is allowed is another important presupposition for the

      

was designed under the assumption of serum supplementation and

accordingly includes only the minimum necessary components (inor-

ganic salts, sugar, essential amino acids, and water- soluble vitamins).

         

culture, contain various other components. Regarding the selection

of basal media, readers can be referred to the literature and suppliers'

TABLE4Serum- free culture media for Chinese hamster ovary cells

Name (author[s], year) Basal media Supplements Remarks


(Hamilton and Ham 1977)

Ham's F- 12 



are not present in Ham's F- 12





Insulin, transferrin, and selenite Developed because Chinese hamster

ovary cells could not be cultured in the



(Keen and Rapson 1995)

 

ferric citrate, insulin, ethanolamine, putrescine,

Pluronic F- 68, and soy peptone

Lacking high- molecular- weight proteins,

it was developed for use with


citrate is used instead of transferrin

Name unspecified

(Sung and Lee 2009)

 

Zn), ferric citrate, selenite, insulin, ethanolamine,

phosphatidylcholine, hydrocortisone, putrescine,

pyruvate, ascorbate, Pluronic F- 68, dextran sulfate,

and a hydrolysate mixture (yeast, soy, and wheat)

The combination and concentrations of

the added hydrolysates were

determined by using an experimental

design method. It was developed to

increase antibody productivity




information; for instance, cell banks' sites (eg,, www.,, and cell.brc. Table 2 shows the basic characteristics of each medium and

researchers can select several candidates after comparing them ex-

perimentally. α      



3.1|  Selection of a basal medium: the roles of the

medium components

3.1.1| Serum

Serum serves as a source of amino acids, proteins, vitamins, carbohy-

drates, lipids, hormones, growth factors, inorganic salts, trace elements,

and other compounds. It also improves the pH- buffering capacity of

the medium and helps to reduce shear stress (ie, physical damage that

is caused by pipette manipulation and stirring). Furthermore, serum

alters the conditions at a culture substratum, allowing the adherent

cells to readily proliferate there. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is the most

popular and widely applicable serum today. Other kinds of serum are

used in certain situations, including calf serum (CS) and horse serum.

Researchers can select an appropriate serum type on the basis of its

characteristics. Fetal bovine serum generally is rich in growth fac-

tors and contains low levels of γ- globulins (which have a cell growth-

inhibitory activity). Thus, it is suitable for cells that are difficult to

coax to proliferate in culture and for the cloning of cells. In contrast,

because CS has a weak growth- promoting activity, it has been used

effectively for studies of contact inhibition on the 3T3 cell line. It is

also suitable for cellular differentiation studies, in which growth fac-

tors can interfere with the results.128 Lipid levels in serum rise with

increasing calf age (ie, days after birth)129 and therefore CS or adult

bovine serum is sometimes selected, instead of FBS, when cells with

high lipid requirements are cultured. Horse serum that is harvested

from adult horses via a closed system of collection has a compara-

tively high homogeneity between lots. Its characteristics include a low

concentration of polyamine oxidase,130 which makes polyamines; the

latter have a cell- proliferative effect and are metabolically degraded

less readily.

3.1.2|  Alternatives to serum

When serum supplementation is inappropriate or undesirable, re-

searchers can choose several substitutes for serum. They include

serum extracts, tissue extracts or hydrolysates, growth factors, hor-

mones, carrier proteins like albumin and transferrin, lipids, metals,

vitamins, polyamines, and reductants (Table 3). The number of com-

binations of these supplements is nearly infinite and they often inter-

act with each other. Their selection thus incurs an enormous effort,

time, and cost: one cannot design an optimal medium by simply try-

ing them in arbitrary combinations at random. Thorough studies on

past records of successful combinations, if available, are helpful. The

TABLE5Serum- free culture media for embryonic stem/induced pluripotent stem cells

Name (author[s], year) Basal media Supplements Remarks



 

Knockout Serum Replacement (KSR)



containing animal- source components (KSR),

it is for use with mouse embryonic stem cells.

The cultures require feeder cells


(Ludwig et al. 2006)

 


selenite, LiCl, insulin, transferrin, human serum


 β1, γ- aminobutyric acid, pipecolic

acid, glutathione, 2- mercaptoethanol, lipids (fatty

acids, cholesterol), Pluronic F- 68, and Tween 80


feeder cells


(Chen et al. 2011)

 

 β



large between- lot variation) and

2- mercaptoethanol (which negatively affects

cells) were removed and supplements were

refined down to the necessary minimum

(Name undefined)

(Hasegawa et al.


 

transferrin, Wnt3a, and indole derivative (ID)- 8

(DYRK inhibitor)

 β are replaced

with Wnt3a and the low- molecular- weight


conventional media

(Name undefined)

(Hasegawa et al.


 

β inhibitor (eg, 1- azakenpaullone), and


β inhibitor and


compounds), it can be manufactured cheaply,

and quality management is simple

      

factor of activated T cells.




following is an example of a protocol when researchers try to imple-

ment a serum- free culture by themselves:131

1. 

2. If using glutamine, set its concentration to 2–4 mmol L and

consider the stable form: L-alanyl-L-glutamine (see the next


3. 

according to the requirements of the cell type under study.

4. Pay attention to the osmotic pressure.

5. Use antibiotics as little as possible.

6. When culturing adherent cells, consider using substrates, such as

fibronectin and laminin, for cell attachment.

7. For a stirred culture, consider supplementing the medium with pro-

tective agents like Pluronic F-68 to minimize the shear force.

8. 

9. Verify that the cell performance has not changed in the new


The serum- free and protein- free media that are sold by a vari-

ety of manufacturers largely show good performance and research-

ers can use them to culture their cells of interest. Nonetheless, their

composition almost has never been disclosed for commercial reasons,

and therefore, technically, such media cannot be termed "chemically




4.1|  Setting up a serum- free culture

There are two points to note when working with a serum- free cul-

ture system. First, unintended clones of cells in a culture vessel can be

selected during subculturing because serum- free media can promote

the proliferation of a particular cell clone or subtype of cell more often

than can serum- containing media. Second, impurities in a serum- free

medium, both avoidable and inevitable, might have stronger effects

on the cultured cells than can serum- containing media because of a

lack of the toxin- neutralizing activity that serum contains. In addition,

there are other precautions for serum- free cultures: that is, the mini-

mization of the concentration of trypsin and the careful selection of

adhesion factors.57

4.2|  pH changes

The pH of the culture medium that is used for animal- cell cultures

generally is maintained by the equilibrium relationship between so-

dium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in the culture medium and CO2 in the

      2 concentration in

the incubator to 5%- 6% by convention, but technically, it should

be adjusted according to the concentration of the NaHCO3 in the

culture medium. For example, 5% CO2 is appropriate for a medium

with 26 mmol L NaHCO3      2 for

a medium with 14 mmol L added (eg, Ham's F- 12 medium), and

10% CO2 for a medium with 44 mmol L NaHCO3 

medium). These numbers are theoretical values that are calculated

by using the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation (Fig. 1): in practice,

checking the pH of a culture medium after it reaches equilibrium

and then making minute adjustments to the CO2 concentration are


The 4- (2- hydroxyethyl)- 1- piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES),

with its strong buffering capacity, might have buffering effects in a

medium. Especially when cultured cells are handled outside the CO2

incubator, the pH of the medium with HEPES is more stable than with

only bicarbonate. It also might be beneficial for cultures of high cell

density; for instance, when the pH can drop rapidly due to an ac-

cumulation of metabolites, such as lactate. With serum- free media,

which lack the buffering capacity of serum, the pH- buffering role of

HEPES could be more relevant. Nevertheless, HEPES might have neg-

ative effects on certain types of cells, such as chick embryo epiphy-

seal chondrocytes and ES cells.107,132 It also has been demonstrated

that HEPES- containing media produce an increased level of cytotoxic

products, mostly hydrogen peroxide, during exposure of the medium

to visible light.133 Researchers should be aware of such drawbacks of

FIGURE1The pH control mechanism of culture media, based

on the bicarbonate buffer system and the Henderson–Hasselbalch

equation. When dissolved in water, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 )

dissociates to form a sodium ion (Na+) and a bicarbonate ion


). The latter reacts with H+ in solution to form carbonic acid

(H2 CO3 ), which dissociates into CO2 and H2O. These two reactions

attain their respective equilibria. The CO2 in solution also reaches

equilibrium with CO2 

concentration of gas phase CO2 increases the amount of CO2

that is dissolved in the culture medium, in turn raising the H2 CO3

concentration and lowering the pH. In contrast, if the concentration

of the gas phase CO2 is lowered, then the pH rises due to the

reverse reaction. The relationship between the culture medium

pH and the concentrations of CO2 and NaHCO3 can be expressed

by the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation: pH=p Ka+log[HCO3


[CO2 Liquid phase , where: p Ka is the negative log of the acid

dissociation constant.




HEPES and confirm that the addition of HEPES is harmless to the cells

that they use.

Phenol red, added to a medium as a pH indicator, sometimes af-

fects the proliferation of cells and shows estrogenic activity.134,135

Therefore, investigators should not forget to test whether such char-

acteristics of phenol red affect their cells and empirical results, es-

pecially when estrogen- sensitive cells, like mammary gland cells, are


4.3|  Oxidative stress

Culture experiments in general and especially when performed under

a higher oxygen concentration, such as organ culture experiments,

can expose cells to oxidative stress, which negatively affects the

cells and tissues in culture. Supplementation with substances with

         β-

mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol, or lipoic acid) is effective, especially

when serum (it contains antioxidants) is not added to the medium.

In addition, iron and copper ions in a free state promote the produc-

tion of reactive oxygen species. It is therefore best for these ions to

be complexed with appropriate carriers (eg, transferrin, albumin, or

chelating agents) and to be supplied to the cells in this state, while

they are isolated from reactive systems. Caution is also necessary with

respect to free iron ions, which are readily hydroxylated and precipi-

tate in an aqueous solution.

4.4|  Nutrient requirements

Sufficient amounts of nutrients in the medium are a prerequisite for

cells to behave properly. Some cell types require higher levels of nutri-

ents than others do, depending on their metabolic activity and prolif-

eration rate. Such characteristics of cells should be taken into account


nally to contain glucose at 5.6 mmol L. Now, a modified version of

 , which can be

used for cells requiring greater amounts of glucose, is available from

various suppliers. One caveat when using this high- glucose medium

for actively proliferating cells is the accumulation of metabolites, like

lactate, and a plunge in the pH. Researchers are advised to replace the

medium at proper intervals or to use HEPES to confer a stronger pH-

buffering capacity onto the medium.

    

for mammalian cells in culture, in addition to being a biosynthetic

material for nucleic acids and proteins. The glutamine requirements

for cells in culture are ~3- 40- fold greater than those of other amino

acids.40 During the cultivation of cells with high nutrient requirements,

the addition of glutamine could be helpful. In contrast, glutamine

readily decomposes in culture media and generates cytotoxic ammo-

nia. Consequently, researchers may consider adding glutamine to the

medium immediately before use or to consider using glutamine deriv-

atives, such as L- alanyl- L- glutamine or glycyl- L- glutamine, which are

resistant to degradation.

    


         


medium, therefore, could ensure more favorable culture conditions.

         


alleviates the biosynthetic load of the cells.


isoleucine, require special attention. They all belong to the group of es-

sential amino acids and several cell types, including human fibroblasts


 

proper intervals can be considered in order to obtain the best results

of an experiment.



5.1|  Design of experiments for the optimization of

the medium components

           

a basal medium and several supplements. Researchers pay no atten-

tion to the possible interactions among the components of the basal

medium and these supplements. The fact is that each component of

a culture medium does not always act in isolation. The components

can interact and their effects on the cells should be expected to be

       

a medium component and its effect on the cells might not follow a

linear dependence. Cells' response to each component could be cur-

vilinear, as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, the best way to find the op-

timal concentration and interactions of each component in a culture

medium might be a statistical experimental strategy called a "design

of experiments" (DoE), rather than the classical one- factor- at- a- time

experiments. The latter approach might miss the optimal point of con-

centration because there are some unexamined areas in the range

    

design points, namely the concentrations of the components to be

examined, evenly throughout the area of settings. Then, the obtained

empirical data will be applied to the appropriate mathematical models,

such as the general linear model or the logistic regression model. In

general, when the data corresponding to the response variable (also

called the "objective variable") are continuous, such as the production

volume of a biopharmaceutical, the general linear model is used. With

binominal data, such as the survival rate of cells, the logistic regres-

sion model is preferable. By means of these models, an optimal con-

centration of each component (which is expected to induce the best

response of the cultured cells) will be estimated (Fig. 3B). The DoE

 

screening design is used first when one is trying to extract the most

important components from many, say more than five, candidates of




the initial components. The strength of the screening designs, such

as fractional factorial or the Plackett–Burman design, is that they can

reduce the number of experimental runs significantly, in comparison

with the number that otherwise has to be done with the full factorial

design, which involves every possible combination of components. For

       

consists of 60 components, only 64 experiments are needed with the

Plackett–Burman design, whereas 260 experiments are required with

the full factorial design. Once the key factors are identified, prefer-

ably eight or fewer, a response surface design, such as the central

composite design or Box–Behnken design, will be used to estimate

a non- linear response of the cells and to identify the optimized con-

centrations and interactions of each component. These approaches

have become a powerful tool for the improvement of productivity in

the field of cell culture.136  

a "definitive screening design," recently was reported, with the claim

that it has the advantages of both a screening design and a response

surface design.137 This design enables the estimation of not only the

main effects (the effect of a certain component alone) but also the in-

teractions of the components and the factors with non- linear effects,


only 121 experiments are needed. This approach could be especially

useful for studies where the sample size is limited, such as a primary

culture, organ culture, and embryo culture, although there are some

restrictions in this design. The establishment of effective develop-

ment systems for culture media that combine in vitro and in silico

approaches and the optimization of the combinations of all the com-

ponents in the culture medium are crucial for further improvements in

cell culture performance.

5.2|  Undefined medium supplements

Supplements of biogenic origin, like serum, can be a cause of varia-

tion in the experimental results from batch to batch. They also carry

a risk of microbial contamination of the culture medium. Thus, the

replacement of those supplements with defined ones has been pur-

sued in the history of culture media, as described above.43,87 

dawn of the technology, a human embryo was cultured in a medium

containing serum. In the mid- 1980s, the serum could be replaced by

serum albumin.138         

and is multifunctional. It binds to various water- insoluble substances

like lipids. The lipids that are carried by albumin become an energy

source and biosynthetic substances for an embryo.139–141 In addition,

serum albumin serves as an antioxidant, osmotic regulator, and neu-

tralizer of toxins. These functions are key benefits that serum usu-

ally provides to the media. Nonetheless, the use of serum albumin

in place of serum has not contributed much to the development of

chemically defined media. First, most, if not all, commercial serum

albumin versions contain >100 serum proteins, although these ad-

mixtures have very low concentrations.142,143 Second, albumin can

bind to potential toxins, like phthalates144 (common plasticizers) or

endotoxins. Thus, those toxins can be present in the commercial ver-

sions of serum albumin. These impurities in serum albumin products

even were reported to vary in concentration from batch to batch,

thus affecting the results of the embryo culture.145–150 Therefore,

the development of the culture media without undefined supple-

ments is desirable, especially for human embryos. Recently, highly

purified recombinant human albumin became commercially avail-

able. It is worth trying it as a substitute for serum- derived albumin.

Summarized in Table 3 are the points of caution when researchers

use undefined supplements.

5.3|  Contamination of a medium

Foreign substances from unidentified sources can contaminate a cul-

ture medium, thus possibly affecting the empirical results. Typically,

those contaminants include viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, and endo-

toxins. There are, however, other types of contaminants, like plasticiz-

ers that might be eluted from plastic instruments144 or trace elements,

even in water. These substances also can affect the cells in culture.60

It also was reported that some toxic substances are eluted from the

microfilters that are used for sterilization.151 Some of this contamina-

tion seems to be even inevitable, but care must be taken to minimize it

in order to make culture experiments reliable and highly reproducible.

Thus, researchers may consider practicing the sterile technique strictly

and selecting culture instruments carefully. Washing the instruments


When Component B's concentration is low (eg, 0mg/L), antibody


when Component B's concentration is high (eg, 20mg/L), antibody


phenomenon—one component influencing the response of another

component—is called a "two- factor interaction." The relationship

between the concentration and response is not necessarily linear,


by using at least a three- level screening design is necessary to

understand such responses




with the culture medium immediately before use is recommended in

some special cases.151–153


Ever since Harrison's successful cultivation of animal cells, cell culture

technology has developed in leaps and bounds, with many break-

throughs. With the consumables (eg, culture media) and cell culture

equipment now supplied on a commercial basis, it became possible for

    

fewer opportunities lately to appreciate the research value of culture

media, as well as their shortcomings and limitations. With progress in

regenerative medicine and biopharmaceuticals, the creation of culture

systems that do not require a human intervention is expected to con-

tinue: this trend will probably intensify in the future. Even with this trend,

the culture medium is of paramount importance for the best quality of

cell culture experiment, as well as biopharmaceutical work. Here again,

it should be noted that the current culture media and their formulations

have been established through the timeless efforts of innumerable re-

searchers. From now on, investigators should drive the further evolution

of culture media, with the aim of improving culture performance.


  -

script. We are especially thankful to Takehiko Ogawa for his advice

and expertise.

FIGURE3Concepts of the one- factor- at- a- time experiment and design of experiment (DoE). These figures show the difference in strategies




has been used, has a big disadvantage of missing the optimal point because there are some unexamined areas in the range of parameters. B, In

contrast, the DoE is a model- based statistical method that can clarify the relationship between the response of the cells and the concentrations

of the tested components in the range of settings. The process of the DoE is mainly composed of four steps. First, allocate the design points

evenly throughout the area. Second, record the response of the cells for each run. Third, fit the collected data to an appropriate model (eg, a

logistic regression model for a binomial response) and validate the relevance of the model to decide whether it is available for the next step.

Finally, use the model to optimize the concentrations of the components or to predict a response of the cells





Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Human

and Animal Rights: This article does not contain any study on human or

animal participants that was performed by any of the authors.


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... However, this solution condition might not be friendly to general biological cells. The biochemical activities occurring within a living cell are well recognized to normally require the participation of various chemicals, biomolecules, or ions (Yao and Asayama, 2017), which could accordingly lead to a high conductivity environment (e.g., conductivity of commercially-available RPMI cell culture medium: 11,770 μS cm −1 ). As a result, the background solution with low conductivity required for ODEP-based cell manipulation could affect the properties (e.g., cell viability) of the manipulated cells. ...

... Moreover, the viability of cells in sucrose solution significantly (p < 0.05) declined during 4 h (95.3 ± 0.7%, 86.3 ± 0.7%, and 56.8 ± 1.5% after 0, 2, and 4 h of incubation, respectively), within which ODEP-based cell manipulation was generally performed. This phenomenon could be due to the aforementioned noncellfriendly environment of low conductivity (e.g., 6.9 μS cm −1 ), which could limit the biological activity within a cell (Yao and Asayama, 2017). This result could also be due to the sucrose solution-induced cell autophagy (Higuchi et al., 2015), which leads to cell death (Shimizu et al., 2014). ...

... Similarly, dextrose [e.g., 0.3% (w/v)] and BSA are commonly used as supplements in the background solution for DEP-or ODEP-based cell manipulation (Fatima H Labeed et al., 2003;Srinivasu Valagerahally Puttaswamy et al., 2010;Gupta et al., 2012;Song et al., 2015;Chiu et al., 2016). The former can serve as the energy source for biological cells (Yao and Asayama, 2017), and the latter is reported to prevent cell adsorption on the substrate surface, facilitating subsequent ODEP-based cell manipulation (Gupta et al., 2012;Song et al., 2015;Chiu et al., 2016), to reduce ROS (reactive oxygen species) production (Liu et al., 2012) and to prevent cell death (Liu et al., 2012). In addition, RPMI cell culture medium is commonly used for cell culture practice and can provide various basic nutrients (e.g., glucose or amino acids) for manipulated cells. ...

Optically induced dielectrophoresis (ODEP) is effective for cell manipulation. However, its utilization has been limited by the requirement of solution with low conductivity. This issue has been ignored in ODEP-relevant studies. To address this issue, this study aims to investigate to what extent the cell viability and performance of ODEP-based cell manipulation are affected by low conductivity conditions. Additionally, this study aims to modify sucrose solutions to reduce the impacts caused by low-conductivity solutions. Results revealed the use of sucrose solution in ODEP operation could significantly reduce the viability of the manipulated cells by 9.1 and 38.5% after 2- and 4-h incubation, respectively. Prolonged operation time (e.g., 4 h) in sucrose solution could lead to significantly inferior performance of cell manipulation, including 47.2% reduction of ODEP manipulation velocity and 44.4% loss of the cells manipulatable by ODEP. The key finding of this study is that the use of bovine serum albumin (BSA)-supplemented sucrose solution (conductivity: 25–50 μS cm−1) might significantly increase the cell viability by 10.9–14.8% compared with that in sucrose solution after 4 h incubation. Moreover, the ODEP manipulation velocity of cells in the BSA-supplemented sucrose solution (conductivity: 25 μS cm−1) was comparable to that in sucrose solution during 4-h incubation. More importantly, compared with sucrose solution, the use of BSA-supplemented sucrose solution (conductivity: 25–50 μS cm−1) contributed high percentage (80.4–93.5%) of the cells manipulatable by ODEP during 4-h incubation. Overall, this study has provided some fundamental information relevant to the improvement of background solutions for ODEP-based cell manipulation.

... Culture media generally consists of glucose, inorganic salts, water-soluble vitamins, and amino acids formulated to optimize growth for the cell type selected. Additional inputs, such as insulin, transferrin, serum proteins, growth factors, immortalization agents, antibiotics, antimycotics, and antioxidants may be used to support proliferation, differentiation, protein synthesis and degradation, and glucose uptake (Burton et al., 2000;Datar & Betti, 2010;Yao & Asayama, 2017). Some substances may be added to impart organoleptic properties (e.g., proteins or pigments that impart a meat-like color) or add nutritional value (e.g., vitamins) (Simsa et al., 2019). ...

... Characterizing the components of the media to identify potential hazards is therefore an important part of safety assessment. This endeavor is complicated by the different types of media required for different species, cell types, and for different stages of manufacture (Burton et al., 2000;Yao & Asayama, 2017). There are hazards associated with the intentional components and from impurities or contaminants. ...

Cell-cultured meat and seafood offer a sustainable opportunity to meet the world's increasing demand for protein in a climate-changed world. A responsible , data-driven approach to assess and demonstrate safety of cell-cultured meat and seafood can support consumer acceptance and help fully realize the potential of these products. As an initial step toward a thorough demonstration of safety, this review identifies hazards that could be introduced during manufacturing, evaluates applicability of existing safety assessment approaches, and highlights research priorities that could support safe commercialization. Input was gathered from members of the cultured meat and seafood industry, researchers, regulators , and food safety experts. A series of workshops were held with 87 industry representatives and researchers to create a modular manufacturing process diagram , which served as a framework to identify potential chemical and biological hazards along the steps of the manufacturing process that could affect the safety of a final food product. Interviews and feedback on draft documents validated the process diagram and supported hazard identification and evaluation of applicable safety methods. Most hazards are not expected to be novel; therefore, safety assessment methods from a range of fields, such as conventional and novel foods, foods produced from biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and so forth, are likely to be applicable. However, additional assessment of novel inputs or products with significant differences from existing foods may be necessary. Further research on the safety of the inputs and associated residues, potential for contamination, and development of standardized safety assessment approaches (particularly animal-free methods) is recommended. K E Y W O R D S cultured meat and seafood, hazard, methods, risk assessment, safety.

... Cell Culture Media is composed of nutrient substances necessary for the growth and proliferation of cultured cells. The components of the media depend on the cell type (Yao & Asayama, 2017). In the study, the culture media used for the breast cancer cells was mainly composed of Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Media and Fetal ...

  • Athena Vega Oliva Athena Vega Oliva
  • Louis Matthew Flores
  • Maureen Mae Tolfo

As cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in the world, efficient treatment for it remains under extensive research. Kantutay (Lantana camara), an invasive plant species in the Philippines, was sought to be an alternative treatment for breast cancer. Several studies show that L. camara contains bioactive compounds which were proven to exhibit a highly selective mechanism of inducing p53 proteins, S cycle arrest, and DNA damaging of signaling pathways, signifying its plausible antineoplastic activity. Phytochemical screening showed that the flower contains phenols, tannins, and cardiac glycosides, with a total phenolics content of 0.1±0.2mg GA/g extract, all of which are reported to be cytotoxic and proapoptotic. The antineoplastic activity of the ethanolic flower extract was tested on MCF-7 then compared to Doxorubicin through the MTT Assay protocol.

... This requirement is usually fulfilled by the addition of fetal calf serum (FCS). FCS consists of an undefined cocktail of growth factors, vitamins, hormones and, in contrast to adult serum, low immunoglobulin levels, which may otherwise inhibit cell growth [2]. FCS is harvested from bovine fetuses at the abattoir and as the level of fetal awareness is unknown, it is also not clear whether or not the unborn calves experience distress or even suffer from the procedure [3,4]. ...

Cell lines are widely used as in vitro model systems and substitute for animal experiments. The frequently used Caco-2 cell line is considered to reflect characteristics of differentiated intestinal epithelium. However, the need to culture the cells with fetal calf serum (FCS) induces a high variability, risk of contamination and is ethically disputed. We tested the culture of Caco-2 cells with human platelet lysate (PL) instead of FCS. We compared cell viability and differentiation by measuring ATP levels, gene and protein expression of specific markers in total cell extracts, brush border membrane vesicles (BBM) and lipid rafts (LR). Cell viability was slightly enhanced in cells grown with PL compared to FCS. The cells differentiated to an intestinal phenotype like the cells cultured in FCS, as indicated by the similar gene expression levels of hexose and protein transport proteins and the structural protein VILLIN. BBM showed a comparable distribution of the intestinal hydrolases, indicating a maintained cell membrane polarity. The distribution of the marker protein FLOTILLIN-2 in LR was also similar. We conclude that PL is an exquisite and suitable replacement for FCS in the culture of Caco-2 cells that can eliminate many disadvantages incurred due to the use of FCS.

... Optimising culture media is a costly and time-consuming endeavour due to the complexity of potential formulations. However, a well-defined medium may be invaluable when it comes to reducing the usage of expensive growth factors and serum [80][81][82]. Another factor is the choice of scale-up cell culture platforms, the costs of which depend on the medium consumption over CDM yield and whether the technology requires extra downstream processing steps (such as the removal of microcarriers). ...

Cell-derived matrices (CDM) are the decellularised extracellular matrices (ECM) of tissues obtained by the laboratory culture process. CDM is developed to mimic, to a certain extent, the properties of the needed natural tissue and thus to obviate the use of animals. The composition of CDM can be tailored for intended applications by carefully optimising the cell sources, culturing conditions and decellularising methods. This unique advantage has inspired the increasing use of CDM for biomedical research, ranging from stem cell niches to disease modelling and regenerative medicine. However, while much effort is spent on extracting different types of CDM and exploring their utilisation, little is spent on the scale-up aspect of CDM production. The ability to scale up CDM production is essential, as the materials are due for clinical trials and regulatory approval, and in fact, this ability to scale up should be an important factor from the early stages. In this review, we first introduce the current CDM production and characterisation methods. We then describe the existing scale-up technologies for cell culture and highlight the key considerations in scaling-up CDM manufacturing. Finally, we discuss the considerations and challenges faced while converting a laboratory protocol into a full industrial process. Scaling-up CDM manufacturing is a challenging task since it may be hindered by technologies that are not yet available. The early identification of these gaps will not only quicken CDM based product development but also help drive the advancement in scale-up cell culture and ECM extraction.

... This was the original method to obtain cell lines beginning with the first immortal cell line derived in the 1940s from mouse fibroblasts, as well as the HeLa cell line isolated from the cervical cancer of Henrietta Lacks. Immortality of the HeLa cells could be attributed to the cells' infection with human papillomavirus 18, which may have either degraded the tumor-suppressor protein p53 or caused chromothripsis, a chromosome-shattering and rearrangement associated with 2-3% of all cancers and which changes the expressions of thousands of protein-coding genes [14,15]. ...

  • Emily Soice Emily Soice
  • Jeremiah Johnston

The need to produce immortal, food-relevant cell lines is one of the most pressing challenges of cellular agriculture, the field which seeks to produce meat and other animal products via tissue engineering and synthetic biology. Immortal cell lines have a long and complicated story, from the first recognized immortal human cell lines taken from Henrietta Lacks, to today, where they are used to assay toxicity and produce therapeutics, to the future, where they could be used to create meat without harming an animal. Although work in immortal cell lines began more than 50 years ago, there are few existing cell lines made of species and cell types appropriate for cultured meat. Cells in cultured meat will be eaten by consumers; therefore, cultured meat cell lines will also require unique attributes not selected for in other cell line applications. Specifically, cultured meat cell lines will need to be approved as safe for consumption as food, proliferate and differentiate efficiently at industrial scales, and have desirable taste, texture, and nutrition characteristics for consumers. This paper defines what cell lines are needed, the existing methods to produce new cell lines and their limitations, and the unique considerations of cell lines used in cultured meat.

... Beginning with the initial hanging drop method of tissue or cell culture with semi-coagulated serum or lymph [24], cell culture methods have been modified throughout the years to allow for aseptic and precise spatial and temporal control of nutrient availability in culture. A comprehensive review of the development of cell culture methods was presented by Millet and Gillette [25] and Yao and Asayama [26]. A neuroblastoma is an embryonic malignancy of the sympathetic nervous system, which shares features of plasticity with developing neural crest stem cells. ...

  • Xin Yi Yeo
  • Grace Cunliffe
  • Tang Jiong
  • Sangyong Jung Sangyong Jung

Preclinical neurodegenerative disease models have been the cornerstone of neurodegenerative research in the past century. Although these models are inherently flawed, it is undeniable that they have provided rare access to the complexities of the nervous system and linkages between mechanistic and behavioral changes in the study of neuropathology. In this chapter, we discussed the development of models used in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research. We have also looked at the insights obtained about AD pathology and the possible limitations of using these models.

  • Christine Poon Christine Poon

Culture medium is frequently modelled as water in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of in vitro culture systems involving flow, such as bioreactors and organ-on-chips. However, culture medium can be expected to have different properties to water due to its higher solute content. Furthermore, cellular activities such as metabolism and secretion of ECM proteins alter the composition of culture medium and therefore its properties during culture. As these properties directly determine the hydromechanical stimuli exerted on cells in vitro, these, along with any changes during culture must be known for CFD modelling accuracy and meaningful interpretation of cellular responses. In this study, the density and dynamic viscosity of DMEM and RPMI-1640 media supplemented with typical concentrations of foetal bovine serum (0, 5, 10 and 20% v/v) were measured to serve as a reference for computational design analysis. Any changes in the properties of medium during culture were also investigated with NCI–H460 and HN6 cell lines. The density and dynamic viscosity of the media increased proportional to the % volume of added foetal bovine serum (FBS). Importantly, the viscosity of 5% FBS-supplemented RPMI-1640 was found to increase significantly after 3 days of culture of NCI–H460 and HN6 cell lines, with distinct differences between magnitude of change for each cell line. Finally, these experimentally-derived values were applied in CFD analysis of a simple microfluidic device, which demonstrated clear differences in maximum wall shear stress and pressure between fluid models. Overall, these results highlight the importance of characterizing model-specific properties for CFD design analysis of cell culture systems.

Cell culture method is a method developed in a biotechnological context and refers to the cultivation of cells outside of their natural environment under laboratory conditions and special conditions. It first came into our lives with the enlargement of adult frog nerve fibers in lymph fluids. Studies have shown that the needs of cell lines are different from each other. Considering these differences, tissue, media and environment conditions have been changed and different cell lines and culture methods that are in use today have been found. Various cell lines are currently used in pharmaceutical, medical and biological research. Cell culture studies are carried out to understand the biological structure and tissue morphology of the cell, thus improving tissue engineering. Although two-dimensional cell culture models are generally used, three-dimensional cell culture models are also preferred recently. Although the media serve for different needs, it has been found that some common components are extremely important for cell culture media in general. When these common components are examined, especially carbohydrate sources and serum are in the first place. Since carbohydrates are the main energy sources and serum contains different hormones and components as well as necessary growth factors, it is added to the medium. In cell culture practices, the environmental factors of the environment where the cells are located and the chemi-cal components of the environment are important for cell growth and continuity. In addition, cell culture methods should be sensitive to hygiene. Because when the culture environment, chemical components and environmental factors are taken together, if the aseptic conditions are not studied, there is a risk of contamination. In this review, an overview of cell culture methods and applications will be presented.

The clonogenic assay measures the capacity of single cells to form colonies in vitro. It is widely used to identify and quantify self-renewing mammalian cells derived from in vitro cultures as well as from ex vivo tissue preparations of different origins. Varying research questions and the heterogeneous growth requirements of individual cell model systems led to the development of several assay principles and formats that differ with regard to their conceptual setup, 2D or 3D culture conditions, optional cytotoxic treatments and subsequent mathematical analysis. The protocol presented here is based on the initial clonogenic assay protocol as developed by Puck and Marcus more than 60 years ago. It updates and extends the 2006 Nature Protocols article by Franken et al. It discusses different strategies and principles to analyze clonogenic growth in vitro and presents the clonogenic assay in a modular protocol framework enabling a diversity of formats and measures to optimize determination of clonogenic growth parameters. We put particular focus on the phenomenon of cellular cooperation and consideration of how this can affect the mathematical analysis of survival data. This protocol is applicable to any mammalian cell model system from which single-cell suspensions can be prepared and which contains at least a small fraction of cells with self-renewing capacity in vitro. Depending on the cell system used, the entire procedure takes ~2–10 weeks, with a total hands-on time of <20 h per biological replicate. This Protocol Extension discusses several approaches to analyzing clonogenic growth of mammalian cells in vitro, using a modular framework to facilitate the use of various formats to fully optimize clonogenic growth.

Screening designs are attractive for assessing the relative impact of a large number of factors on a response of interest. Experimenters often prefer quantitative factors with three levels over two-level factors because having three levels allows for some assessment of curvature in the factor—response relationship. Yet, the most familiar screening designs limit each factor to only two levels. We propose a new class of designs that have three levels, provide estimates of main effects that are unbiased by any second-order effect, require only one more than twice as many runs as there are factors, and avoid confounding of any pair of second-order effects. Moreover, for designs having six factors or more, our designs allow for the efficient estimation of the full quadratic model in any three factors. In this respect, our designs may render follow-up experiments unnecessary in many situations, thereby increasing the efficiency of the entire experimentation process. We also provide an algorithm for design construction.

  • Tatsuma Yao
  • Yuta Asayama Yuta Asayama

Systematic studies of mouse embryo culture beginning in 1949 led to an understanding of essential medium components for early mammalian embryos, and embryo culture from the zygote to the blastocyst stage was achieved in 1968. Since then, medium components that are either beneficial or detrimental for embryo culture have been identified. A variety of culture media that mimic the female reproductive tract, such as human tubal fluid medium and sequential media, were developed from the 1970s to the 1990s, and a single medium in which the concentrations of components were determined by a simplex optimization method was introduced for clinical use in 2002. While either sequential media or a single medium is currently used in most cases, no conclusion has yet been reached as to which of the two approaches is the best. That we are now easily able to culture embryos is the result of the work of pioneers. This review presents a chronological overview of media development from initial attempts at mouse embryo culture using synthetic media to the human embryo culture media used today. It also presents the characteristics of sequential media and a single medium. Finally, problems observed with current embryo culture media are discussed, along with future development in this area.

  • Patrick Quinn Patrick Quinn
  • John F. Kerin
  • G M Warnes

Significantly more mouse zygotes developed to blastocysts in culture in a medium formulated on the composition of human tubal fluid (HTF) than in modified Tyrode's medium (T6). In a randomized 2×2 factorial trial of human in vitro fertilization that compared the two media and culture under oil versus culture in loosely capped tubes, significantly more clinical pregnancies (30% of 60 transfers) were obtained with HTF medium than with T6 medium (11% of 53 transfers). Decreasing the K + content of HTF medium to that present in T6 medium significantly decreased the number of mouse zygotes that developed in culture. Modifying Ca + + levels had no effect. It is therefore likely that the higher K + content in HTF medium is primarily responsible for the superiority of HTF medium over T6 medium, but other differences in the composition of the two media could contribute to the results observed.